Schedules, Minutes, Forms, Contact Lists


Schedule Description Downloadable File Date Added
All Saints Parish Stewardship Ministry Schedule January – March 2021 Click to Download Monday December 7, 2020
Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers - MASTER LIST incl. email Click to Download Wednesday January 9, 2019

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Meeting Minutes

Committee & Date of Meeting Downloadable File
Pastoral Council
Wednesday November 14, 2018
Click to Download

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Newsletters/Reports/Miscellaneous Meetings

Title /Date Delivered Description
Financial Report
Saturday November 19, 2016
Click to download
Annual Financial Report from the Finance Committee
Los Hermanos - Vol. 5
Thursday November 9, 2017
Click to download
Latest updates - Fall 2017 - from our sister community in Villanueva, Nicaragua
Stewards of Justice and Peace
Monday January 8, 2018
Click to download
Minutes from January 8, 2018

Downloadable Forms

Form Form Description Instructions
Parish Registration in English/Swahili
November 22, 2016

To register as a member of All Saints Parish Download file. It can be filled out online and attached to an email to It can also be printed out and mailed to All Saints Parish, 1342 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210

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Contact Lists

Contact List Downloadable File Date Added
Catechist Contact List Click to Download February 11, 2017
Eucharistic Minister Sub List Click to Download March 30, 2017
Lector and Eucharistic Minister Master List Click to Download March 30, 2017
Lector Sub Contact List Click to Download March 30, 2017
Ministry Contact List Click to Download May 21, 2017

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