General Announcements & Events

Important Notice

Once again we want to make folks aware that you should NOT respond to any text or email appearing or claiming to be FROM Fr. Fred (often signed Rev. Frederick D. Daley) and asking for "assistance" that usually ends up with a request to purchase and transmit some kind of electronic gift card or other monetary transfer.

Be assured that our Fr. Fred NEVER uses texts (AT ALL!) nor would ever solicit such assistance through email. If in doubt, delete the text/email and feel free to CALL Fr. Fred. Do bear in mind that he doesn't receive texts of any kind, so if you need to connect with him email or call! Thanks!

Saturday November 9, 2019

Caring for Our Common Home

Still have questions about community solar? The Caring for Our Common Home Task Force is hosting Zoom meetings to answer your questions on January 27 and January 28 at 6:30 pm. Learn more about how you can save money on your monthly electricity bill and shift to clean, renewable energy at the same time.

As you may know, when a parishioner signs up, the parish receives a $50 bonus that it is putting towards energy efficiency and other environmental projects. This bonus will drop to $25 on February 15. Parishioners will still receive their own $50 bonus that they may keep for themselves or choose to donate to these parish environmental efforts.

If you cannot attend either meeting or simply need help with signing up for community solar, please contact Dick Scheutzow directly at 315-382-0686 or

No RSVP is necessary, but you may contact Dick Scheutzow at 315-382-0686 or if you would like to receive the Zoom link and a reminder the day of the meeting.

To join the Wednesday, January 27 meeting at 6:30 pm:  Meeting ID: 976 9561 4704

To join the Thursday, January 28 meeting at 6:30 pm:

Tuesday January 19, 2021

Newsletter from the Pastoral Team - 01/17/2020

Please open the flyer to see this weeks Newsletter from our Pastoral Team

For more information, click here for the flyer.

Wednesday January 13, 2021

All Saints Church Live-Streamed Weekend Masses

Please view the All Saints Church live-Streamed Masses here.

Friday November 20, 2020

On Line Giving is Here!

All Saints Parish announces an easy, safe and secure way for you to make online donations.

We are working with Vanco Payment Solutions, a well-established payment solutions provider with deep experience with electronic payments for parishes like ours.

Follow this link to set-up your account and begin making your regular Offertory payments online: Click here for the secure link  NOTE:  You must choose a weekday (Not a Saturday or Sunday) for your automatic electronic gifts.

Tuesday August 6, 2019

All Saints Parish 2020 Fr. Mychal Judge Award Lecture by Fr. James Martin SJ

Please view the Fr.James Martin presentation here

Thursday November 12, 2020

All Saints Parish “Go to Meeting Site”

All Saints now has a video meeting license for Go to Meeting. This will allow us to have parish task force and ministry meetings via internet so we can continue “safe distancing” policies. It will also come in VERY handy during winter months for those who would not want to travel distances to meet. Task force leaders and ministry leaders who wish to use this tool can contact Monica Sondej in the parish office for directions on how to set up a video meeting.

Friday May 22, 2020

Daily Mass live-streamed from the Cathedral

The Bishop will be celebrating Mass every day at 12 Noon in the Cathedral where it will be live-streamed on

Monday March 30, 2020