Ministries at All Saints

Parish Life and Worship

Worship ministries assist with the sacred experiences at All Saints. They include the planning and execution of the liturgies and the beautification of the church. Roles for parishioners include the Eucharistic Ministry, Lectoring , Altar Server and as part of the multiple Music Ministries.

Parish Life ministries include the weekend hospitality, Parish community meals, and the annual picnic, among others.

Parish Spiritual Development

All Saints' Parish provides a wide array of Faith Formation Services, for youth, young adults, and adults. It includes preparation for all sacraments, for both children and adults.

Included in the Faith Formation ministry is a Sunday Children's Liturgy of the Word, The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A), and Adult Faith Enrichment, plus seasonal Bible studies and other faith based activities.

Parish Outreach

The outreach ministries include support for our local community, including local food pantries, homeless shelters, nursing homes and prisons. They also also reach out globally, through ministries in Villanueva, Nicaragua and Karare, Kenya. Additional outreach includes taskforces to reach out on LGBT, Disability, Environmental and Womens issues.

Parish Stewardship

Parish Stewardship committees are constructed to collaborate with Fr. Daley in directing the Parish. They include the Parish Council, the Finance Committee and the Building and Grounds Committee.